Current Fire Stations

320 S. Fortuna Blvd.
Fortuna, CA, 95540

Station 1 | Fortuna Proper

Built in 1996, Station 1 serves as the district office for the Fortuna Volunteer Fire Department, hosting the offices for our Fire Chief, Division Chiefs, and Fire Prevention Officer. This station provides first-due services for Downtown Fortuna and eight miles of Highway 101, as well as the unincorporated communities of Fernbridge and Palmer Creek. The station also hosts the staffing and resident quarters for the department, supplying space for members to work 12-hour shifts and provide medical response for the district. In addition, Station 1 is home to technical rescue supplies and the county training tower, proving to be a useful resource for the department and the population it serves.

Tending to a large response area, Station 1 houses a variety of apparatus to ensure an adequate all-risk response to any emergency inside or outside the district. The station has six apparatus bays, holding a type-1 fire engine, type-3 fire engine, type-6 fire engine, platform aerial ladder truck, heavy-duty rescue, and light-duty rescue. Ample room on the property also provides space for an Eel River Valley Technical Rescue Team trailer and the Fortuna CERT trailer.

Station 2 | Campton Heights

Fortuna Volunteer Fire Department's newest station, Station 2 was completed in 2024. The facility is maintained by Company 5 and provides first-due services for Campton Heights, Rohnerville, and sections of Rohnerville Road between Fortuna and Hydesville. With the future in mind, Station 2 provides space for meetings and training, as well as living quarters for the anticipated expansion of the department's staffing and residency programs. The new station was built to replace the previous facility on School Street, with more room for equipment, storage, and firefighters.

Much like Station 1, the station on Rohnerville Road caters to a sizeable response area. Currently housed apparatus include a type-1 fire engine, a water tender with pumper capabilities, and a type-2 reserve engine.

1849 Rohnerville Rd.
Fortuna, CA, 95540

3494 CA-36
Hydesville, CA, 95547

Station 3 | Hydesville

In 1957, the Fortuna Volunteer Fire Department expanded its district and incorporated the pre-existing Hydesville Fire Company. As part of this incorporation, the Hydesville Fire Company apparatus barn became the department's Station 3. The current Station 3 was built in 1963 to house the growing district's equipment and provide space for the newly formed Company 4. Designed for the company's self-sufficiency, the station included meeting space, a full kitchen, and a radio room (from the bygone era of department members operating dispatch services during emergencies). Today, the space still hosts a meeting area for Company 4 and some community events, though the radio room has become an office alcove. In 2020, renovations began to develop resident quarters with anticipation of eventually expanding the staffing and residency programs. Station 3 provides first-due service to Hydesville, Alton, and 11 miles of California's Highway 36.

With the all-risk nature of the community of Hydesville, Station 3 houses various apparatus to tend to any emergency at hand. With four apparatus bays, the station is home to a type-2 fire engine, type-2 tactical water tender, type-3 fire engine, and light-duty rescue. The facility also provides room for excess equipment such as antique fire engines and the Sonoma Kitchen trailer.

View In-Service Apparatus

Other Facilities

Old Station 2 | Campton Heights

County Training Tower | Station 1