Welcome to the Fortuna Volunteer Fire Department’s Facility Use page. Our fire department is pleased to make our facilities available for various purposes, subject to availability and approval. Whether you’re interested in hosting an event, conducting training, or using our space for a specific purpose, we’re here to help. If you are interested in utilizing our facilities, fill out the contact form below.


The House Committee meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. to review applications for use of the main station fire hall, Campton Heights fire hall, and Hydesville fire hall. Applications must be filled out and turned in before this day to be approved for the following month. The use of the Campton Heights or Hydesville halls will be directed to the captain of the appropriate fire company. The fee schedule below applies to all fire station hall rentals at the discretion of the fire company’s captain.
Main station hall rentals will include use of the main hall/meeting room, tables, chairs, bar, ice machine, kitchen, and kitchen accessories (NOT including perishable goods).

Capacity and Parking

The capacity of the main fire station hall is 240 persons (dining occupancy of 120). A total of 32 on-site parking spaces are available. All events must comply with the parking area provided, which is the front of the station ONLY. All other areas of the premises are off-limits for additional rental parking. The enclosed parking map provided with the rental agreement will outline off-limits locations in red. Vehicles illegally parked in the red zones will be subject to towing at the expense of the vehicle owner.
Any excess parking must be done on Fortuna Boulevard, where permitted. Use of the Auto Zone parking lot and the training tower area as rental parking is prohibited.

Rental and Deposit Fees

A refundable deposit of $400.00 will apply to ALL rental functions, except for daytime rentals. Daytime rentals are defined as occurring Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The standard main hall rental fee is $600.00.
Community service/fundraiser events may be entitled to a reduced fee of $250.00. All community fundraising events involving minors shall have at least one chaperone per 10 minors.
The daytime classroom/meeting hall rental fee is $150.00. Half-day classroom rentals are $75.00.
The kitchen-only rental fee is $150.00 and may be subject to a $400.00 deposit on a case-by-case basis.

Facility Use Request Form

Contact Information
Home NumberCell NumberWork Number
Event Details
Main StationKitchen Only (Main Station)Campton HeightsHydesville
By checking the box below I acknowledge that I have verified the information I am submitting is correct and complete. I understand that incorrect information may impede the ability of Fortuna Volunteer Fire Department to contact me in a timely manner.